Pilobest Kit
Types of Piles
There are three types of piles (Hemorrhoids):
Internal hemorrhoids form within the anus beneath the mucus lining. These are usually painless although bleeding is a common symptom, Being painless in nature, you may realize that you have internal hemorrhoids only when you see bright red blood on the toilet paper or oozing in the toilet. Internal hemorrhoids may also prolapse or extend beyond the anus, Which can cause complications. When hemorrhoid protrudes or prolapses„ it can collect small amount of mucus and tiny stool particles, Which can cause discomfort and itching; trying to relieve the itch by wiping constantly can worsen the problem. A protruding internal hemorrhoid can appear like a small, grape-like mass. Usually, protruding hemorrhoids can be pushed back into the anus with fingertip.
Symptoms Of internal hemorrhoids include
- Blood on your poop, on toilet paper after you wipe, or in the toilet bowl,
- Tissue that bulge outside your anal opening (prolapse). This may hurt, often when you poopr You might be able to see prolapsed hemorrhoids as moist bumps that are pinker than the surrounding arem These usually go back inside on their own. Even if they don’t, they can often be gently ushed back into place.
External hemorrhoids or external piles develop under the skin around the anus. Since there are many pain-sensing nerves in the skin, external piles cause pain in addition to bleeding They can also cause difficulty in keeping the anal region clean after bowel movements. External piles can sometimes develop a blood clot inside them (thrombosis), usually after a period of diarrhea or constipation. In such cases, a sudden, painful swelling or lump around the rim of the anus can develop, You might notice or feel a lump around the anus, The blood clot usually dissolves, leaving behind an excess Of skin (a skin tag). which may cause itching.
Symptoms Of external hemorrhoids include
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Itching
- Swelling
A blood clot can turn an external hemorrhoid purple or blue, This is called a thrombosis or a thrombosed hemorrhoid. You may notice symptoms like:
- Severe Pain
- Itching
- Bleeding
Stages of Piles
Hemorrhoids or piles have four stages or degrees depending on the severity Of the symptoms.
(Only bleeding, no prolapse) The nature of the bleeding is characteristically separate from the passage of stools v It may appear on the toilet paper upon wiping or as a splash in the toilet bowl.
(prolapse present but reduces spontaneously) There is an appearance of a lump from the anal opening while passing stools. This lump then moves back In on its own
(prolapse present and must be manually reduced Here, the prolapsed or protruding piles do not move back in on their own thevr passing stools and have to be pushed in manually.
(permanent prolapse) This is also called permanent prolapse- This means that the piles are protruding permanently outside and it is not possible to push them back manually.
Piles Symptoms
Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- Bright red bleeding on the toilet paper after passing stools or a splash of blood in the toilet, This bleeding is usually painless and occurs especially if the stool was very hard or very large,
- Discharge of mucus from the anal opening.
- Itching, redness or soreness Of the area around the anus
- Feeling of bowel fullness even after passing stools
- Pain while passing stools
Piles Causes
The veins around the anus tend to stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge due to which piles can develop. The pressure in the lower part of the rectum increases due to
- Straining while passing stools
- Chronic Diarrhea or constipation.
- Sitting for long duration of time on the toilet seat.
All the above factors interfere with the blood flow to and from the rectal area, causes the blood to pool, thereby enlarging the blood vessels. Also, straining during bowel movement increases the pressure in the anal canal, pushing the hemorrhoids against the sphincter muscle.
The tissues that support and hold hemorrhoids in place can weaken with age. thus causing the hemorrhoids to bulge and prolapse.
Here, the intra-abdominal pressure is raised causing engorgement of the rectal veins.
Apart from an increase in the intra-abdominal pressure, the enlarging uterus presses on the rectal veins causing them to swell.
Risk Factors
A risk factor for hemorrhoids is any factor that increases the chance Of having hemorrhoids. The factors known to increase the risk of having hemorrhoids are listed below:
It causes excessive straining while passing stools thus increasing the pressure in the anal canal.
– It is associated with the reduced bulk of stools.
Drinking less water can contribute to constipation, increasing the chances of hemorrhoids.
It can worsen constipation and causes weight gain, thereby causing the muscles to lose their toner
What are Fistula?
What is an Anal Fistula?
An anal fistula is an abnormal small channel that is formed between the colon and anal skin. Pus in the anal gland leads to a fistula. The tube between the colon and anus is the anal canal where there are numerous anal glands. An infection in these glands can cause pus formation, which drains through the canal towards the anus leaving the channel open,
The key difference between piles and fistula is the latter induces pain and pus discharge from the anal area, whilst the former is usually painless.
An anal fistula is an infected channel between the anus and its surrounding Skin, It is the result Of persistent anal gland infection,
Usually, it is diagnosed with a physical examination. However, the doctor may prescribe digital methodologies, depending upon the complexity of the situation.
Causes of Anal Fistula
- A fistula occurs due to persistent anal gland infection, which results in anorectal abscesses when the anal or the rectum cavity is filled with pus. – Since the anal has multiple openings, treatment of one fistula does not guarantee the impossibility of spread to the rest of the areas.
- Rectal Cancer
- Crohn•s Ileitis
- Inflammation of the ileum, which is the last part of the small intestine.
- Schistosomiasis Infection Of the urinary tract or the intestines
- Ulcerative Colitis : Causes persistent inflammation and ulcers in the innermost lining of the largest intestine and rectum
- Lymphogranuloma Venereum An ulcerative disease Of the genital area can be acquired sexually
- Diverticulitis Inflammation Of the large intestine
Symptoms Of Fistula
- Perianal cellulitis, or redness otthe skin
- Anorectal pain and swellings
- Pus discharges
- Fever
- Irritation ofthe perianal skin
- Rectal bleeding
- Painful bowel movements
- Foul-smelling liquid from the anal hole
What are Anal Fissures?
Anal fissures are small, narrow, oval-shaped cuts or sores in the anal canal. They usually occur in the lining of the anal canal. especially the one at the back. The anal canal is a tube-like structure between the rectum and anus. Bleeding and pain with spasm near the anus are the most common symptoms. They can occur at any age. Usually, they are confused with hemorrhoids or piles, Fissures can be acute or chronic, Acute fissures are a tear similar to a paper cut, but the chronic ones feel like a lump of the skin on the anal canal lining,
- A fissure is a noticeable cut in the lining of the anus. It leads to terrible pain during defecaton.
- 90% of the fissures affect the posterior of the anal canal.
Signs of Anal Fissure
- A noticeable tear around the anus
- Burning and/or itching sensations in the anal area
- Hard and bleeding stool
- Intense pain during and after defecation
- Small perianal abscess a severe condition
Causes of Fissure
- Hard faeces
- Surgical procedures like hemorrhoidectomy
- Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn”s
- Multiple childbirths
- Abuse of laxatives and ointments
- HIV or Syphilis
The critical difference between Piles, Fistula and Fissure is :
- Piles affect the blood vessels inside the anal canal
- Fistula is an abnormal tunnel between the anus and the surrounding skin
- Fissure is a visibly painful crack on the lining of the anus tissue
Prevention of Piles
The best way to prevent piles is to keep your stools soft so that they are easy to pass. Apart from regular physical activity, food also plays a major role in maintaining soft stools _
Aim for 25-30 grams or more of high fibrous food every day High-fiber food usually has a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber bothv If you are not used to it, gradually increase fiber in your diet as having too much too fast can cause flatus and bloating,
Here are some ways by which you can decrease the chances Of developing piles or hemorrhoids:
The more time you spend Sitting on the pot, the more likely are you to strain for passing stools. Also, the seated position exerts additional stress on the blood vessels Of the anal region, Keep the Stack Of magazines and the smartphones out of the 100! See bathroom time as a necessity and not as an extended escape time!
Step up your water intake as water is essential for soft stools, Softer stools mean less straining.
If you have a habit Of delaying your bowel movement, it can cause your stools to become hard and dry, which in turn causes strain in passing stools, eventually causing pressure on the anal venous cushion, Also, do not unnecessarily force a bowel movement when you do not get the urge to pass stools naturally.
Include leafy vegetables, fresh fruits whole grains, and cereals in your diet. You may also add a natural fiber such as psyllium husk. in your diet However, be careful to incorporate it slowly into your daily diet as it may cause gas and bloat in some people.
Being physically active stimulates bowel movements. If you have never exercised before, do not jump into an intense exercise regimen, such as abdominal crunches or lifting heavy weights. Also, do not try to cram exercises at the weekend if you do not exercise throughout the week. Go slow and follow a simple and effectlve exercise routine. Even as little as a 20-minute walk every day can help in having regular and good bowel movements.
If you have a desk job or a sedentary lifestyle, make sure you get up from your desk every hour or so for a 2-3 minute break. Incorporate short walks around your office space. Opt for stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car at the farthest parking slot to allow you more time to walk.
What to avoid if you have Piles :
Any food with little or no fiber can cause or aggravate constipation. So, avoid or limit their intake as much as possible. These include:
- Refined carbohydrates including white bread.
- Dairy products, Including cheese.
- Meat
- Processed foods, such as frozen meals and fast food.
- Spicy food
- Caffeine
- Salt (Excess salt intake can cause water retention, which puts more pressure on your blood vessels, including the veins in the anal region).
- Iron supplements can cause constipation. So, talk to your doctor befOre you take them
What to eat if you have Piles :
- Add or substitute beans for meat in soups. as beans and nuts are high in fiber, Include legumes in your diet,
- Grains, cooked oats, and barley will give you soluble fiber. Substitute white bread, pasta, and crackers with their whole grain counterparts 3 Whenever possible try to have fruits and vegetables whole, without peeling the skin on the apples, plums, potatoes, and pears, since the skin is a rich source of insoluble fibers. Avoid cooking green vegetables to the point that their color fades. A cup of greens, such as broccoli, green peas, or Brussels sprouts provides 4-5 grams of fiber. Vegetables and fruits, such as celery, cucumber, and watermelon, have fiber plus a lot of water. Add such vegetables into your diet. Snack on dried fruits, such as figs, apricots, and dates.
Pilobest Tablet Uses
- Pilobest tablet has analgesic and anti-inflammatory propertiesv which helps relieve pain and inflammation associated with anal fissures and inflammatory anorectal conditions.
- Pilobest tablet has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antimicrobial properties, which help heal wounds and assist post-surgery recovery,
- The laxative property of Pilobest tablet helps relieve constipation associated with piles.
- Pilobest tablet helps control bleeding and assists in healing Hemorrhoids/Piles.
- Pilobest tablet has hemostatic. anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, laxative, wound-healing, and antioxidant actions.
- Pilobest tablet reduces the engorgement and turgidity Of the veins and venous capillaries.
- The anti-inflammatory and anti-infective actions Of Pilobest tablet reduce inflammation, check infectiom and promotes healing. The laxative property Of Pilobest tablet corrects chronic constipation associated with Hemorrhoids/Piles
Pilobest Ointment Uses:
- Pilobest ointment has astringent and styptic properties that are beneficial in treating bleeding piles.
- Pilobest ointment shrinks pile mass, controls bleeding and heals inflamed skin and the mucus membrane. The ointment offers symptomatic relief from rectal bleeding, pain, itchiness and corrects chronic constipation associated with hemorrhoids,
- The local analgesic property of Pilobest ointment relieves pain and ensures pain-free fecal excretion.
- As an antimicrobial, it prevents secondary microbial infection in the body,
- Pilobest Ointment has soothing action and it heals cuts or fissures and itching, which are main concerns of fissure.
- PiIobest ointment before bowel movement provides soothing action to the mucosal wall, which helps easier evacuation offeces.
Pilobest Powder Uses:
- PiloBest powder cures constipation and softens stools.
- PiloBest powder reduces congestion in the intestinal veins.
- Pilobest powder gives flexibility to the blood vessels Of anus and lower rectum further improving the blood circulation in the anal region.
- PiloBest powder acts as a natural laxative with antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties to make it easier to pass stools
- PiloBest powder encourages regular and complete evacuation of the bowels,
- PiloBest powder Stops rectal bleeding
- PiloBest powder is useful in shrinking hemorrhoids
- PiloBest powder Helps in treating burning and swelling sensation
- PiloBest powder Helps in soothing peri-anal pain
- PiloBest powder Helps in preventing straining at Stool
- PiloBest powder provides effective relief from itching, swelling and inflammation.
- PiloBest powder also provides effective relief from constipation and can be safely taken by diabetic patients.
Pilobest Anti-Itch Powder Uses:
- Applying this powder on the affected area twice a day reduces pain and itching thereby reducing the probability Of worsening the problem and simultaneously providing relief.
- It provides relief from itching & pain. It also reduces inflammation.
Pilobest Alum Uses:
PiloBestAlum is used for Sltz Bath(Alum is added to lukewarm water Tub, Alum acts as antiseptic and disinfectant)
- PiloBest alum has coagulating property which helps control anal bleeding during piles.
- PiloBest alum Helps in treating burning and swelling sensation.
How to use Pilobest Kit:
- PiloBest tablet Two tablet twice a day (morning & night) after lunch & dinner with a glass of water for 15 days.
- PiloBest Powder Consume 5 gm powder With a glass Of normal water at bed time for 15 days.
PiloBest Ointment:-
- Clean the affected area properly before applying PiloBest ointment on
- To avoid ruining your clothes, cover the affected area with cotton gauze after you apply PiloBest ointment.
- First Wear hand gloves While applying ointment to affected area.(Gloves are provided inside Pilobest-Kit)
- After that apply PiloBest ointment befdre and after evacuation of the bowel with the help of applicator.(Applicator is provided inside Pilobest Cream Carton)
- Sanitize your hands and gloves before and after applying PiloBest ointment with Sanitizer provided with Pilobest Kit.
- After applying PiloBest Cream sanitize applicator with Pilobest Sanitizer & wipe applicator with soft tissue paper.(Soft Tissue Papers are provided with Pilobest Kit.)
- After the use of PiloBest Cream keep applicator and Pilobest Cream inside Sealing Pouch provided With Pilobest Kit.

How to use Pilobest Alum:
Take a plastic tub and fill it with few inches of Lukewarm water and mix a sachet of PiloBest alum in it and sit in tub for 15 to 20 minutes before bathing for first 3 days which can relieve irritation and itching in the anal region.
How to use Pilobest Anti-itch powder:
Sprinkle on the affected area after bowel evacuation or when itching sensation is felt
Advantages of Pilobest Kit:
- PiloBest kit is a complete 360 degree therapy for Piles, Fissure & Fistula.
- PiloBest kit Provides quick relief trom symptoms like pain, burning, itching, bleeding and inflammation
- Stops bleeding immediately after Sitz bath With PiloBest alum
- Pilobest kit has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps relieve pain and inflammation associated with anal fissures and inflammatory anorectal conditions.
- The laxative property Of PiloBest Kit helps relieve constipation associated with piles.
- PiloBest kit has soothing action and it heals cuts or fissures and itching, which are main concerns of fissure.
- PiloBest Kit provides soothing action to the mucosal wall, Which helps easier evacuation Of feaces.
- PiloBest Kit acts as a natural laxative with antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties to make it easier to pass stools.
- Pilobest Kit cures constipation and softens stools.
- PiloBest Kit reduces pain and itching thereby reducing the probability Of worsening the problem and simultaneously providing relief
PiloBest kit has coagulating property, which helps control Anal bleeding during Piles.
How Pilobest Kit can help you?
- PiloBest kit is a complete 360 degree therapy for Piles, Fissure & Fistula patients.
- PiloBest Kit is a Better Option to cure Piles Non Surgical.
- PiloBest Kit is an all in one therapy for all piles patients,
- PiloBest kit shrinks pile mass, controls bleeding and heals inflamed Skin and the mucus membrane. The drug offers symptomatic relief from rectal bleeding. pain, itchiness and corrects chronic constipation associated with hemorrhoids.
The local analgesic property of PiloBest kit relieves pain and ensures painfree fecal excretion.